Foggy Glass Replacement in Washington State: What You Need to Know

Foggy glass replacement in Washington State is a common problem for homeowners. The state's damp and rainy climate can cause condensation to build up between the panes of insulated glass, leading to a hazy appearance and reduced visibility. If you're dealing with foggy glass in your home, there are a few things you should know about the replacement process.

First, it's important to understand that foggy glass is not a problem that can be cleaned away. Once condensation has formed between the panes, it's there to stay until the glass is replaced. Attempting to clean the glass will only temporarily improve visibility, but the haze will return soon after.

The good news is that replacing foggy glass is a relatively straightforward process. A trained technician will remove the old glass and install new, sealed insulated glass panes. The new panes will be sealed with a high-quality sealant that will prevent condensation from forming between the panes. The process typically takes a few hours and will leave your windows looking clear and new.

In conclusion, foggy glass is a common problem in Washington state due to damp and rainy climate. The problem cannot be cleaned away, it needs to be replaced!

Reza Tavakoli